Chapter 3

The Winds of Change

Of Cycles and Seasons

The Winds of Change

Yoga in the Sunshine, Autumn

Samhuinn and No-Time and Halloween

Navigating Among the Waves of Change

All Mirrors are Magic Mirrors

Nourishing My Soul

When Clarity Replaces Questions

The View From Here

Change and Choice, Part 1

Change and Choice, Part 2

Change and Choice, Part 3

woodland pathway with flowers

Of Cycles and Seasons

October 09, 2012

I learned to place my focus in harmony with the energy flow inherent in moon cycles.  The New Moon and the Full Moon each arrive with their own gifts.  I learned to intentionally accept those gifts, and to happily make use of them.

Living on the Maine coastline, where the gravitational effect of the moon on the tides is especially obvious, I learned to attune myself to the rhythm of the tides. In Journey Through an Open Door, I wrote:  “To me, the tidal flow in the cove was a giving and a receiving.  It was a circular motion — everything going around, and coming around.”

It was on the Maine coastline where I began to remember the significance of intentionally celebrating the Equinoxes and Solstices.  [See blog titled “Long Ago and Far Away”.]

Each morning at sunrise, the leaves are now more colorful against the sky.  With the cooling temperatures, nature’s paintbrush progresses here in New England.  The cycle of the seasons is everywhere visually apparent.

My mind skips to a small piece of lined paper which quite surprised me when I found it, while in my twenties.  On the paper, in my child-like handwriting, was a short poem about the cycle of the seasons.  The poem ended with the arrival of Spring “once again”.  I had signed my name and noted: age 8.

My awareness of cycles gradually took on more layers.  I learned that I preferred to be present at sunrise, breathing in the dawning of the new day.  Sunset provides a very different experience, which can be warming and reassuring.

Now there are changes to celebrate — new waves of energy, new cycles of light.

There are the waves of increasing energy emanating from the sun and the stars.  There is also the potential effect of the completion of the long term cycle of the approaching planetary alignment of December of this year.

As the cycles of light increase, the effects of the waves of change are becoming more obvious.  Being grounded in who you are and staying separate from mass fear-based consciousness becomes increasingly important.

This new Autumn season is unlike any other and portends a future that is both glorious and unknowable. This “future” cannot be perceived through rationality; it can only be perceived through feeling.  As Mother Nature paints the landscape with her Autumn palette, those of us who are nurtured by the increasing light of the golden waves of change can look forward to our own inner Spring.  Others may choose endless Winter.

A rejuvenating Spring may be just around the corner.

It depends on which way you choose to turn.

“Now there are changes to celebrate — new waves of energy, new cycles of light.”

“As the cycles of light increase, the effects of the waves of change are becoming more obvious.”

The Winds of Change

October 16, 2012

A “mini survey” of my friends shows me that everyone is experiencing significant changes.  Those changes include: new areas of enthusiastic focus, career changes, location changes, relationships evolving in new ways or changing entirely, new momentum where there has been a feeling of being “on hold”, completion of long-time preoccupations, expansion on many levels concurrently.

If I see my friends as a microcosm, and I do, then the energy of change is being profoundly felt and expressed.  I know of no one for whom habit patterns are simply routine at this time.  Even where patterns may appear to be somewhat routine, those individuals acknowledge experiencing an undercurrent of feeling change.  This feeling is accompanied by readiness for — and even impatience for — change, however daunting that may sometimes seem.  The familiar is eclipsed by the desire to become more of who one truly is, and to express accordingly.

While I’m enjoying Mother Nature’s expression in glorious Autumn foliage, now more colorfully intense each day, my mind drifts to other changes — both subtle and stark.

In 2007 the song “Now is the Time” was written and added to my daily sunrise drumming ceremonies.  The chorus of “Now is the Time” is:

Now is the time

to paint our dreams

and mold the clay

create our world — our way.

How will we paint our dreams, and bring our desires into fullness of expression?  How will we know what to create unless we remember who we truly are?  Fortunately, there are many who are awakening into remembering.

As the golden waves of change -- energy incoming to Earth -- continue and accelerate, the awakening from the limitations we have been taught becomes easier and easier.

These waves of change are like an invisible wind, swirling around and through us.

My choice is to dance amid these winds of change -- with ease and joy and certainty -- and to send that energy in every direction.

Perhaps you too will choose to dance.

Yoga in the Sunshine, Autumn

October 23, 2012

As I continue my yoga postures, I’m feeling blessed by the Sun and the Earth.  Yoga outdoors provides, for me, a uniquely satisfying feeling of well being.  It is also a delight to be surrounded by Mother Nature’s harmony and beneficence.

Now sitting cross-legged in the sunshine, I remember doing so as a child.  It occurs to me that, then as now, it was easy to sit quietly —  simply enjoying being.  I was fascinated by the sun’s light refracting into colors through my eyelashes.  I was fascinated by the waves of energy — which I perceived as “light dancing” — slightly above the ground.  (Then — as now — I required no “entertainment”, no distraction.)

Eyes closed, I’m aware of the warmth of the sun on my face and arms.  This  unseasonably mild Autumn afternoon is a lovely reminder of Summer.  Eyes open, I’m aware that it is clearly Autumn.  Foliage color abounds against the deep blue of the October sky.  Everywhere around me Mother Nature dances in the breeze.  The grass is ruffled.  Leaves spiral earthward.  Clouds play hide and seek with the sun.    

The sun’s path has moved considerably since I began practicing yoga in the sunshine here four months ago.  And now, each day, the balance of color shifts from the trees to the blanket of leaves beneath them.  It is nearly mid-Autumn.

As a child I began to notice the difference between my world of quietly “being” and my world of actively “doing”.

I am still noticing.  Balancing among the worlds of the inner and the outer is, for me, essential.  There is “being”.  There is “doing”.  The dance between the two “pathways” is yet another layer of the dance of living on Earth at this pivotal time.

It is now mid-afternoon, and cooler.  The breeze is somewhat gusty and the deciduous trees are raining leaves.  When I return here they will likely be quite different in appearance.  The cycle of the seasons is everywhere apparent.  Perhaps there will be a few more days for yoga-in-the-sunshine this year.  If so, I accept the gift.  If not, there’s another gift.  Of this I’m certain.  Seasons and cycles.  It’s all good.

Samhuinn and No-Time and Halloween

October 30, 2012

Halloween now dominates what was, in Celtic society, a primarily spiritual celebration.  Unlike the current emphasis of “scary” during Halloween, the Samhuinn festival was rooted in the Druid understanding that it was possible to see into the other worlds in ways that were beneficial to the well being of the society.

On October 31st of 1995, inspiration flowed as I awoke.  I noted the words exactly as they arrived, spacing the lines as I saw them.  I found it curious that these words had arrived on the first day of Samhuinn.

About four years later, the poem introduced the concluding section of Journey Through an Open Door, “The Dawning”.

In 2004, I began drumming at sunset — as well as sunrise.  During sunset drumming ceremonies I often included this poem, sending it outward to the heartbeat rhythm of my drum:

In Celtic society, the mid-point between the Autumnal Equinox and the Winter Solstice was known as Samhuinn.  It was a three day festival celebrated from October 31st to November 2nd.  It was a time of no-time, during which chaos was allowed to replace the usual order and structure.  Craziness reigned.  Today’s customs of costumes and trick or treating on Halloween are derived from these aspects of the Samhuinn festival.

Behind the apparent chaos of the Samhuinn festival, however, there was a deeper meaning.  During the three nights of Samhuinn the veil between the worlds of here-and-now and the world of the ancestors was lifted.  In the Druid tradition, those who were prepared to do so could safely make contact with the spirits of the ancestors.  The ancestors were seen as sources of guidance and inspiration, and honored as those who held the wisdom of the tribe.

With the coming of Christianity to the British Isles, Christianity built on the pagan foundations.  The Samhuinn festival was turned into Halloween (October 31), All Hallows (November 1) and All Saints (November 2).

When the fog lifts, we shall remember one another clearly.

Outside of time

     in time


Can you join me in this place

     where forever is within

     this moment called now

     and I experience  you

     across all concepts of time

     within the vast universe?

Past and future lives

     are integrated within this breath

     this now

Your eyes have my full attention

     as they transmit to me

     the story of your soul’s journey through the layers

     and the heroism of your countless faces through time

You are multifaceted as I am also

     brother sister parent child lover

     feet on the earth we dance

     together in time

     once more





     who we are.

Can you join me in this place, outside of time, in time?

Navigating Among the Waves of Change

November 06, 2012

Some of you I have not seen in a while.  Some of you I have not met, in the outer world way.  And yet, since you have arrived in this place, it is likely we are a part of the same ever-widening circle.  It is also likely I’ve been singing to you at sunrise.

I remember well my first visit to this beach that has become, for me, a favorite sunrise drumming place.  It was more than three decades ago, in early July, only three and a half weeks after I received suggestions that included: “Ask that Love direct your course.”  From the beach on that beautiful afternoon in July, I saw a sailboat on the horizon.  Sailing was where I longed to be.

In another coastal village, one day later, my summer sailing adventure began — in steady increments.  Navigation soon followed — along the New England coastline and then offshore.  Eventually my preference shifted back to the beach, and to hiking trails near the shoreline.

Where once my navigating was from point A to point B, as illustrated on a navigation chart, now the navigation is among the energy waves of change.  The present moment being one’s “location”, what is required now is careful attention to how the winds of change are blowing, and how the waves of energy and light are flowing.  These winds and waves then provide signals inside oneself that indicate either “on course” or “course correction needed”.

To me this is not dissimilar to standing on deck with binoculars to discern the repeating patterns of a lighthouse beacon, and thus ascertain one’s position.  A compass course is then set accordingly.

The drumming and singing of songs of intention and celebration at sunrise may also be experienced as the setting of a course, one not limited to a single compass heading.  First clearly envisioned, that which is possible is then radiated outward — in every direction.

I invite you to join me in the spirit of the pristine opportunity provided by each new dawn — Facing the Sun, singing a heart-song, and co-creating intentionally within the pace of change.

All Mirrors are Magic Mirrors

November 13, 2012

What follows is from my first book, Journey Through an Open Door:

All Mirrors are Magic Mirrors 

All mirrors are magic mirrors for they show you who you are.  Through the eyes or behavior of another, you are presented with a reflection.  The reflection assists you to discern more clearly how you feel.  How you feel is your best indicator of who you are, within yourself.  Your deepest awareness of who you are is gained inside yourself.  The outer reflections merely serve to take you to that place.

When unpleasant, annoying, or perplexing behavior is mirrored to you, ask yourself why.  Is there something to learn from this mirror?  If there is something to learn, learn it now.  Postponing the learning will only invite new mirrors — mirrors which provide for you similar reflections, variations on a theme.

When a mirror provides for you a beautiful reflection you are inclined to love that mirror.  That mirror feels good to you.  Appreciate that all mirrors are a part of a process of refinement — the refinement of your appearance, your inner appearance, to yourself.  If you wish to expand, you cannot ignore your inner appearance.  Appreciate that the magic of mirrors also includes the refinement of your clarity, poise, and expression.  Allow yourself to be served by mirrors — whether comfortable or uncomfortable.

As you refine, you will discover that you need only experience brief glimpses to reaffirm your inner knowing of who you are.  You will laugh at the mirrors — both people and situations — and release quickly those which do not serve your happiness.

As you move through the layers of your own process arriving at the core of who you are — Loving Being — your experience of the magic mirrors will change.  Those mirrors you invite will reflect to you your own wholeness, and your expansion.

You will dance among your mirrors — happy people, happy situations — sharing appreciation, enjoyment, fun, humor, laughter, love.  In this place you are the magic.  It is your feelings which will show you that you have arrived.

Nourishing My Soul

December 04, 2012

I continue my walk along the uneven terrain that winds around the shoreline where, occasionally, footbridges cross small ravines.  There are particular trees that I well remember.  I greet them.

There are no others walking at this time, and I’m enjoying solitude.  Earlier, when I arrived here, an early morning runner was leaving.  Perfect timing — for both of us.  As the sun rises higher in the sky, a few others will arrive.  For those of us who enjoy this shoreline sanctuary, one of the delights of the “off-season” is the inherent quiet of this place.

There is the rhythm of the tide, the inflow and the outflow clearly observable at the shallow edge of the bay.  Now the tide is incoming; in steady increments it walks closer to the rocky shoreline as the sun does its sparkling dance upon the water.

It has been more than two years since I’ve walked along this trail at the edge of the bay, and — for several days now — I’ve been savoring the experience of reconnection with this quietly beautiful place.  Shortly after sunrise on this late autumn morning the chill in the air is a harbinger of winter along the coastline, where the nearby fields are white with heavy frost.  It is the first morning I’ve needed to wear a hat and gloves.

There are four or five access points at the shoreline, each with a different view.  I visit them, via stone steps or stairways, each in turn.  One is close to a nearby island.  Another faces across the bay.  Because the woods reach to the shoreline, it is directly at the shore where the warming sun will first be felt.  In one of my favorite areas here, a small stream ripples from the tree-lined shore onto tidal pools.  The sound is so enchanting that I pause from my walk to record it for several minutes.  My recording is punctuated only by bird calls through the woods while the stream’s fresh water flows from level to level through small tidal pools until it reaches the bay.

I am savoring the visual beauty, the quiet, the salt air.  It is energizing to be in the presence of Mother Nature in this place, which is essentially unchanged since I lived nearby four years ago.  I remember the shoreline rocks where I sometimes relaxed in the late afternoon sun, recharging my energy for the next day’s work on the (then forthcoming) new edition of Journey Through an Open Door.  How interesting to be seeing these same rocks — located on a pebbled beach which is hidden at high tide — through the eyes of “now”.

Though little appears to have changed during the passage of four years’ time in this outer world area, I myself would not trade where I now am — within myself — with where I was four years ago.  I am aware that I’ve received many gifts and blessings — both inner and outer — since then, and I am filled with gratitude.

Fully present in the now, inspiration flows. I am feeling renewed clarity and profound well being. I am being nourished on every level during this early morning walk. I am feeling my alignment with my soul, and my soul — through my High Self — clearly says  “Yes!” to the delights of this enchanting place as I face the sun.

When Clarity Replaces Questions

December 11, 2012

I do not know how many times I’ve sung these words, while drumming.  They comprise the fourth verse of “Listen to Your Heart”, a song which was written in 2005.  A year ago, I was given an opportunity to put these words from the song to a “test”, at a new level.

As I listened to my heart while becoming acquainted with a new friend, I knew that I was in alignment with my soul’s recognition of him.  Friendship with males, for me, had usually been easy and uncomplicated.  Often a past life image would show up on my “screen” giving me a sense of “why” that individual had been introduced, and providing me with a sense of direction.  Now, there was a crystal clear soul recognition.  Profound.  And there was no sense of “why”.  No category; rather, a knowingness.  And I did not know what to do with that.  Altogether the situation was unfamiliar territory.

I found myself silently asking him, “Who are you truly — aside from the roles and preoccupations you have long since established and which keep you feeling ‘secure’ though not necessarily blissfully happy?”  We all have our roles and preoccupations until we awaken into the understanding that we are more than the roles we choose to play.  Embracing the “more” then becomes the challenge given the context of that to which we have become accustomed.

I also found myself silently asking him, “And what have you come here to do?”  At the soul level the answers to both of my questions were known.  One year ago, however, they could not be transmitted in the ordinary reality way of communication.  Though clear communication was desirable, there was very little opportunity for that — such were the other matters which consistently required attention.

For my part the situation was outside parameters that had long been held by my rational mind.  I asked myself, “If my soul’s knowing is crystal clear, then how do I — within the parameters — dance the dance?”  That question echoed.  Furthermore, for me, clear communication is essential as a beginning point; there was no “safety” in a situation which inherently precluded clear communication, for there was entirely too much room for misunderstanding.  I did not want to wonder, “What are you thinking?”  I did not want to wonder, “What are your intentions?”  In fact, I do not know there was an intention — except an intention for understanding.

Our communication tapered to telepathic.  I cannot say it was a dwindling.   Rather, the tapering was to a point of telepathic clarity in which I was aware of what my friend was feeling (as differentiated from experiencing).  If there was specific information to be transmitted from him, I received it in dreams.  Throughout this process, my heart-felt intention was to call in the Light of Understanding and to be completely free of “concepts”.  If tangible “concepts” or “pictures” entered my mind, I quickly disallowed them by using a quite effective technique which I had been taught.

Throughout this process I did not neglect my own outer world preoccupations.  Rather, my focus on doing and being — right here right now — was intense.  Consistently with me, however, there was another layer — that of telepathic awareness, as with a “twin”.  I was learning to balance among the worlds — the relative density of ordinary reality layered with the higher vibrational frequency of the multidimensional view — in an entirely new way, one which was deeply personal and carried with it implications beyond my imaginings.  Altogether, for one year, my experience was a multidimensional one where it was necessary to create a bridge between these worlds, and to understand right action in a new context.    

Recently, during my reunion with a refreshingly beautiful place along the Maine shoreline (about which I wrote in “Nourishing My Soul”), I was startled and amused to recognize that our High Selves — his and mine — were communicating very clearly.  I also realized that the passage of linear time — one year — had been beneficial for it had provided clarity, where once there had been questions.

And what is that clarity?  Higher vibrational frequency — Light — will transform a “situation” in beneficent ways.  Melting your own concepts, including concepts of limitation, is essential as is allowing the transformation to take place inside yourself.  What is “lost” is the weight of density and conflict within yourself.  What is gained is the light of clarity where you can give your mind permission to serve your heart.

With this understanding, and trust in the process, a new energy dance can begin.

I am here to dance the dance — balancing among the worlds — as you are also.  May it be joyful!

Your mind serves your heart

Remember how to feel

The balance is created by your feeling.

Listen to your heart

This is a key

Balance carefully.

The View From Here

December 18, 2012

For those whose hearts are open to the shifting energies as the light coming to Earth increases, the intensity of this month is both reassuring and magical.  The dates 12-12-12 and 12-21-12 are perceived by some to have mystical significance as moments in linear time when the rheostat on the opportunity for consciousness shift is turned up.

My own experience on December 12th was one of pronounced inner evolution as I continue to balance inner and outer aspects of the reality of human existence.

From the point of change that I myself felt on 12-12-12 I have once again been reminded that human potential is beyond our current imagination.

This year's Winter Solstice, which occurs on 12-21-12, signals a time of solar changes according to the Mayans.  Current scientific evidence, including daily solar hyperactivity, indicates this is true.

Increasing light from the solar changes affects all life on Earth by requiring it to harmonize with the faster frequencies of finer vibrations.  Ones comfort level with these changes has to do with ones flexibility and openness and/or ones willingness to trust the process of evolution of consciousness.

Joyfully welcoming 12-21-12, whether it is a real or imagined doorway, will allow each individual the maximum opportunity to personally evolve and increase their overview about the experience of human life.

While quietly observing and enjoying the ongoing changes, meditating and contemplating throughout the holiday season is my choice this year.  I will emerge refreshed and renewed and resume writing in early January — when the world is done ending so that we can begin anew.

The energy is Love

     the dance is constant

     vibrant, joyful

Now is the time

     to paint our dreams

     and mold the clay

     create our world — our way.     

                     (from the song “Now is the Time”)

Change and Choice, Part 1

January 08, 2013

Alone once again I moved from painting to painting, all of them technically quite good though not necessarily memorable for me.  Among the several dozen paintings only one of them caught my attention. Multi-hued flowers in vibrant colors filled the foreground of this painting.  Beyond the garden, a golden sun cast luminous rays into the flowers.  Connection between Sun and Earth was thus portrayed beautifully in this unpretentiously lovely work.  Far from being a landscape in the usual sense, this artwork implied the power of the sun’s light. The artist had chosen to title her painting “Changes”.  It appeared she was alluding to the greatly magnified influence of the sun’s light on Earth at this time.  Words describing the painting do not come close to expressing how well the artist had painted her metaphor of “Changes”.

While I was perusing details in the painting, I became aware that someone else had arrived.  He quickly glanced at all the landscapes before stopping at “Changes” at which point I moved a little to my left to share the view of the painting.  He then said, “I was here last week and I came back to take another look at this painting.”  Would you mind telling me, “What do you see?”

As the solar waves continue to affect Earth, all of us experience these waves of change whether consciously or not.  It is clear that more and more people are becoming increasingly introspective as they progress through this process.  Changes within oneself invariably lead to changes in ones life.

Recently, while doing a few errands in a coastal town, I decided to treat myself to a change of pace by stopping in at a gallery.  It was a weekday afternoon, prior to Christmas.  Not surprisingly, there were no other visitors in the gallery when I arrived. Briefly the gallery owner appeared, greeted me, and mentioned a few details about the current show which featured landscapes by five artists who lived in the area.

My question to myself was then, “Shall I allow this conversation?”  At that moment the gallery owner appeared across the room and waved.  It was clear the two men knew one another.  I made my decision.  “It’s an interesting painting, for sure.  What I see is multilayered.”

“I agree with you.  Actually, this painting has been echoing for me since I first saw it.”  He paused for a moment and then added, “That was at the opening of the show several weeks ago.”

I laughed lightly and replied. “Then you could be telling me what you see.  You’ve been considering it longer than I have.”

At this point he laughed also.  “I’d like to talk about it.  Can you give this conversation ten minutes of your time?”

I nodded.  “Yes, I feel I can do that.”  I gestured toward a long bench, one of several that were situated in the gallery for viewing the artwork.  “I’d prefer to sit for a bit before resuming my errands.”

“Good idea.”

“And what is it about this painting that you find so compelling?” I asked.

“Compelling is the right word.  Somehow it sums up in a nutshell everything I’ve been experiencing in the past year or so, as does the title.”

“Really.  Changes.”  I was smiling, almost laughing, as I spoke.  “That seems to be a familiar theme these days, more comfortable for some than for others.”

“Yes.”  He then continued.  “I do not remember a specific point when my perspective began to shift.  It was probably gradual until I recognized that I was feeling different about my career — and all of my interactions with my associates and friends as well.  I began to observe with some detachment.  For example, I asked myself, ‘If I were not well acquainted with this group of people, and the situations in which we interact, how would it look to me?‘  What I saw was a preoccupation with success and comfort and personal gain.  This was no surprise.  What surprised me was that my own success within this milieu began to feel like it was only a stepping stone, a stepping stone to something more fulfilling. I then began to ask myself, ‘What would be more fulfilling, and how do I find it?‘  And this brings me back to the painting.  I had, for years, been aware of the sun’s pathway. I noticed the sunrise.  Less often the sunset.”  He paused for a moment and said, “Long, goal-oriented work days.  Sometimes I wondered what it would be like to have time for different activities, though I had nothing specific in mind.  I had been propelled onto a career path early on.  And that is where I stayed.  Every goal was met: success, comfort, personal gain.  My family enjoyed -- and still does -- what is often called a secure lifestyle.”  He then added, “I must admit I even began to look at my relationship with my family from a different perspective as well.  Observing.”  He then looked at me and said, “I thank you for listening.  There’s more.”

Smiling, I replied, “I’m still listening.”

“About a year ago, when this new perspective was coming in, I was at a point where I could retire from my full time career.  So I began to do just that.  In a gradual process I’ve revised my career into consulting.  As you can imagine, this has created a lot of available time.  About six months ago, I decided to give myself the opportunity to become acquainted with my own thoughts — in a new way.  I did two things.  First, I detached from media.  Then, I signed up for a workshop on journaling.  It isn’t that I myself was planning to keep a journal.  Rather, I wanted to experience what it would be like to interact with a group of people who had an interest in being in touch with their own thoughts.”  He then repeated: “Their own thoughts.”

“And how was that?” I asked.

“It lead me to the next step.  One of the people in the workshop was particularly interested in what he called “the shift in consciousness”.  Quite frankly, this was the first time I became aware of that concept.”

“Far from being a landscape in the usual sense, this artwork implied the power of the sun’s light. The artist had chosen to title her painting ‘Changes’. It appeared she was alluding to the greatly magnified influence of the sun’s light on Earth at this time.”

(to be continued next week)

Change and Choice, Part 2

January 19, 2013

As I heard his words, I did not say aloud what I was thinking: the timing is different for everyone.

He continued, “When the group took a break for lunch, I made a point of talking with Jim.  He told me that, a couple of years earlier, a psychologist friend had told him about the increasing solar activity and the possible connections with changes on Earth. Weather patterns and increasing earthquakes are only two examples.”

I nodded.

“Jim said that he looked into the information sources his friend had shared with him.  Having found all of them quite credible, Jim began to wonder about other implications.  He and his friend began comparing their impressions which led to a discussion about how humans might be affected by the solar phenomena — and then many conversations about a possible ‘shift in consciousness’.”

I had been listening intently.  I was smiling when I asked, “I’m curious about Jim.”  I did not have to phrase my question more specifically.

“So was I.  We exchanged business cards and have kept in touch.  His family life seems not dissimilar to mine.  He’s been working in the corporate world for years.  Currently a VP at the company he’s been with for some time.”  He smiled.  “I’m beginning to understand synchronicity.  It seems I was given a messenger I could relate to.”

“And what about this ‘shift in consciousness’ idea?” I asked.

He did not hesitate.  “From my point of view, it’s real.”  He then smiled and gestured toward the painting.  “And, somehow, this inspires me.  I feel propelled along with my new project.”

“And what is that?”

“My concerns about the possible effects of the increasing solar activity have convinced me that it’s a good idea to have the option of living off the grid.  I’ve been researching ways to accomplish that.  Recently I found a place where I’d like to build something that feels, potentially, far more secure than our current home. “

“And how do the other members of your family feel about this?”

“At first my wife Laura thought I was talking about downsizing.  She seemed to have an image of Martha Stewart decor on a smaller scale.  I explained to her that part of what I’m envisioning is more natural surroundings, and less maintenance.  Laura then pictured dim light bulbs, inadequate hot water, and brewing coffee over a camp stove.  Not that she’s ever seen a camp stove, as far as I know.”

“And what about the others?”

“Our two daughters are both completely preoccupied with their careers and relationships.  Their primary concern about my idea is their mother’s reaction to it.  Understandably, they aren’t enthusiastic about anything which might disrupt the status quo — or their concepts about comfortable, which are pretty much the same as their mother’s concepts.  Our son thinks it’s cool.  From him I’ve heard only one question,  ‘Will I be able to charge my laptop and other devices?’ “

I could not help smiling at his descriptions, as he continued.  “At twenty-two he’s quite self assured.  He’s on his way to his version of success as I myself once defined it.  As I look at him, and his current choices, I have to acknowledge that I’ve contributed as a role model.”  He paused, looking thoughtful, and then said, “At this point my sense of responsibility tells me to change the model.”  He repeated, emphatically:  “Change the model.  That is a major intention for me right now.  That is, I feel that the track I’ve been on for years is losing its viability.  And I do not want to suggest otherwise — to him or his sisters.”

“And what of your plans to build your off the grid place?”

“My plans are moving along.  The project has become accepted by my family as my hobby.  They are calling the new place, which is only in the design phase, my camp. Laura realizes that my ‘camp’ is not a threat to the lifestyle with which she is comfortable.”  He smiled and said, “The two places will co-exist.”

“Clearly, you have a lot going on right now.”

“Thank you for listening. It’s been a rather one-sided conversation.  For that I apologize.”

“No apology necessary.  Probably another synchronicity,” I suggested.  “Thank you for sharing with me a glimpse into your own process of expansion.”

“Another synchronicity.  An interesting thought.”  He nodded.  “Thanks.”

We both returned our attention to the painting.  I then said,  “I must take a closer look at the painting, one more time.”  He followed me.  I looked at the painting, and then at him.  “It’s a lovely painting.  And it is compelling.”  I held out my hand.  “Take good care.”

His handshake was strong as he smiled warmly and said, “You do the same.  It’s been a pleasure.”

At that moment, the gallery owner reappeared  I left the gallery as the two men began their conversation.

(to be continued next week)

“And what about this ‘shift in consciousness’ idea?” I asked. He did not hesitate. “From my point of view, it’s real.”

Change and Choice, Part 3

January 29, 2013

Outdoors in the December sunshine, I reviewed my experience at the gallery as I continued my errands.  It had been more than a respite; it had been a delightful reminder that people are opening to change — change within themselves — as they somehow feel nudged to look at themselves and their lives from another perspective.

Truly, this is part of the shift in consciousness and it is easier for some than for others.  What makes it easier is one’s level of receptivity.  If one responds to the smaller nudges, as did the person with whom I had been speaking at the gallery, more stark reminders will not be necessary.  He had smoothed his own pathway by paying attention to the whispers inside himself.

Ultimately, as the solar energy continues to intensify on Earth, one cannot hide from reminders that come from one’s soul.  Indeed it is a time where there is potential for rapid evolution inside oneself.  One’s outer reality then mirrors the inner evolution.

People tend to have trepidation about the unknown and they tend to be reluctant to adjust their priorities.  What was so refreshing about the conversation I had just enjoyed was the openness, discernment and apparent confidence with which this evolving and expanding person was proceeding.  Also refreshing was his ability to shift his sense of responsibility into a new perspective, and thus make new choices — choices more relevant for the current times.  I had the distinct feeling that his project would go well and — that having been accomplished — he would readily find the next step to be taken.

Altogether I was warmed by my experience at the gallery — both the conversation and the lovely painting that had inspired our talk.  I smiled as I considered the artist who had painted “Changes”.  I silently thanked her.

Several days later I returned to the gallery.  There was a new painting by the same artist who had painted ”Changes” — that memorable garden landscape in which the golden sun cast luminous rays into vibrant, multi-hued flowers.  Observing that the new painting replaced “Changes”, I momentarily experienced a feeling of missing “Changes” — as though missing a friend.  As soon as I reached for the painting in my memory, the gallery owner appeared.

I did not have to ask the obvious question, for he recognized me as having been there a few days earlier.  He smiled and said, “Kenneth bought the painting after you left.”


“The person you were talking with when you were here the other day.”

“Oh.  This is the first I’ve heard his name.  Introducing ourselves did not seem relevant to our talk.”  I paused for a moment and then said,  “I’m really glad he has the painting.  It clearly meant a lot to him.”

The gallery owner smiled again and said, “Kenneth commented on his speaking with you.  Apparently, it solidified his decision to buy the painting.”

I laughed and said, “So I inadvertently helped you sell the painting?”

“Yes,” he said.  “And I’ll remember that, should you choose to purchase something at some point.”

“Thank you.  For future reference, my name is Patricia.”

He was smiling as he said, “It’s nice to meet you, Patricia.  I’m Richard.  Thank you for coming back.”

Shifting to a more serious tone, he then said, “I wouldn’t normally share this, but it seems appropriate.  Kenneth has been purchasing artwork here, somewhat regularly, for a few years.  It’s clear he appreciates certain styles of painting, and he always seems pleased when he adds to his collection.  This is the first time he has seemed personally involved with a painting.”

“That lovely painting is clearly inspiring to him,” I replied.  “He told me about some of the changes he’s experiencing.  The painting seems to connect him with the inspiration behind those changes.”  I considered before adding, “Shift in consciousness.  Personal expansion.”

“Interesting.  Though I don’t know him well, I’ve always liked him.”  Surprising me, he then added,  “I like that painting also.  Perhaps you’ve just explained to me why.”

I smiled and said nothing.

“Perhaps I now also understand something Kenneth said when he bought the painting.”

“Is that something you can share with me?”

“Yes,” Richard said emphatically.  Kenneth’s exact words were, “I hope this painting will remind me to listen well.”


Richard then said, “I believe Kenneth was referring to his conversation with you.”

I laughed.  “That could be part of it.”   

He then explained, “I surely wasn’t trying to eavesdrop, but it was clear that he did most of the talking.”

I laughed again and my laughter was at myself.  “Sometimes I feel I make a career out of listening.  Informally, that is.”  Changing the subject to the artist, I then said, “I hope she’ll be encouraged to create more paintings having a similarity to the one Kenneth purchased.  So more people can be inspired.”

“I’ll tell her that.  I’m sure I’ll be speaking for at least three people — you, Kenneth, myself.”

“Thank you.  And the next time you see Kenneth, please tell him I’m delighted that he has the painting.”

He nodded.  “I surely will.”

Outdoors in the sunshine after I left the gallery I imagined myself as a plant in Mother Nature’s garden, responding to the sun’s rays.  Laughing, I realized I was entering the painting.  Clearly it had made a strong impression on me.  As a visual representation of my own penchant for facing the sun, following the sun’s path and welcoming the intensifying energy waves, the painting was an impressive metaphor for me.

I thought of Kenneth and his choices within the process of change.  I was glad he chose to buy the painting because it clearly symbolized for him his intention to change his life to harmonize with his new perceptions and awareness.

The paintings that we see in our mind’s eye determine the changes that we too can make in our own lives.  Choice and change are truly inextricably linked.  Our choices cause our experience of change.  We can choose expansion into a new world of brighter possibilities heretofore unimagined.

Now is the Time